
Swiss storms: Town in Vaud hit by 'flood of the century'

Ben McPartland
Ben McPartland - [email protected]
Swiss storms: Town in Vaud hit by 'flood of the century'
Swiss town of Morges hit by unprecedented flooding. Illustration photo: FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP

Storms described as 'unprecedented' hit the Swiss canton of Vaud overnight on Tuesday and left one town underwater.


The weather website  described the storms that hit Vaud on Tuesday night as being "exceptional" and "unprecedented". Another news site said it was the "flood of a century".

Around one month's rain fall fell in just an hour and caused major flooding in the town of Morges, which stands on the banks of Lake Geneva.

The river Morges broke its banks around 6pm and left much of the town underwater as images posted on social media reveal.

Roads and car parks were left underwater, houses and underground car parks were flooded.

One Morges resident told local media they had not seen scenes like it in 20 years of living there.

Some drivers were left stranded in flooded tunnels and had to be rescued.

The floods in Vaud come after the canton of Graubünden and the famous resort of Zermatt were it by flooding at the weekend.

The weather forecast for the coming days suggests more storms could hit parts of Switzerland at the weekend.



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