
Euro 2024: Why Swiss fans honking their horns in joy risk breaking the law

Ben McPartland
Ben McPartland - [email protected]
Euro 2024: Why Swiss fans honking their horns in joy risk breaking the law
Swiss fans who honk their car horns after victory will need to be careful. Photo: BORIS HORVAT / AFP

Swiss football fans who celebrate their team's victory at Euro 2024 matches by honking their car horns will be breaking the law, but Swiss police have shown they are willing to turn a deaf ear. At least for an hour.


Swiss football fans have developed the habit of driving around honking their car horns after the team's victories at international tournaments.

And that tradition is set to be repeated at Euro 2024 where Switzerland's national team take on Scotland on Wednesday night before facing the might of Germany on Sunday evening.

The problem is that under Swiss driving laws beeping a car horn in celebration is actually banned and subject to a fine.

But it appears Swiss police are willing to compromise once again - if only for a short period after the game.

News agency Keystone-SDA carried out a survey of police forces throughout the country to find out what their policy would be towards the hordes of honkers.


Most cantonal authorities told the agency that they would use discretion and common sense when dealing with honky drivers; albeit only for one hour after the end of the game.

Following that timeframe the rules of Switzerland's Road Traffic act would come into force once again and horn honkers will be fined.



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