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TELL US: Are international schools in Switzerland worth the high costs?

The Local Switzerland
The Local Switzerland - [email protected]
TELL US: Are international schools in Switzerland worth the high costs?
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

Switzerland is home to scores of private international schools but they don't come cheap. Share your own views on whether you think they are worth the money or whether public schools provide a better option.


Switzerland's international schools are the most expensive in Europe.

“Median prices in Swiss cities are a minimum of 16 percent higher than any other European city included in our research," a recent report concluded.

In fact, the top three most expensive cities in Europe for international education are all located in Switzerland.

In Zurich and Zug, the median price is $30,701 per year (27,481 francs at today’s exchange rate), followed by Geneva ($26,553; 23,767 francs), and Lausanne ($17,271;15,459 francs).

“What is becoming more clear, is just how significant the difference is between prices in Switzerland and the rest of Europe,” the report noted.

So are they worth the money? Do they provide the best shcooling option in Switzerland if you can afford it? Or are they simply not worth the money? We'd like to hear from you.

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