
Two killed after explosions in Swiss underground garage

AFP - [email protected]
Two killed after explosions in Swiss underground garage
An explosion in underground garage claimed multiple victims. Photo: Pixabay

Several explosions sparked a fire in an underground garage in a town near Zurich, killing two people and injuring 11 others, Swiss police said Friday.


The incident happened in Nussbaumen, in Aargau, on Thursday evening.

On Friday, police said that "powerful fireworks were being used in the underground car park. This is likely to have caused the strong explosion. How exactly the incident occurred is still being investigated."

Two people, identified as a 43-year-old-Italian and a 23-year-old, died in the blast, and 11 others suffered slight injuries.

A building atop the parking lot suffered considerable damage.

Residents have still not been able to return to their apartments and emergency dormitories have been set up.

Photos published in Swiss media show smoke rising from the entrance to the underground car park and rubble lying around.

The alley itself appears to be on fire, as does the high-rise building next to the underground parking lot: footage shows thick clouds of smoke rising from the building's entrance as well as the roof.



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