
Cost of living For Members

The Swiss websites that can help you save money

Helena Bachmann
Helena Bachmann - [email protected]
The Swiss websites that can help you save money
There are good online resources in Switzerland for saving money. Photo: Pixabay

You may think that ‘lower prices’ and ‘Switzerland’ should never be mentioned in the same sentence. But online resources can actually help you save on some purchases.


True, getting ‘cheap’ stuff in one of the world’s most expensive countries is not a given. But it is not impossible either.

Depending on what you are looking to purchase, certain sites will either compare prices of goods available at various retailers, or show you where best deals are at the moment.

Let’s start with the most ‘essential’ purchase of all: food

There are no sites as such to tell you the current prices at all Swiss supermarkets, but you can do your research fairly easily.

Just look at websites of al major supermarkets — Migros, Coop, Aldi, Lidl, and Denner — and see which products are discounted on any given day or week.

The same applies to the two chains known to be on the more expensive side — Coop and Migros.

Their respective ‘budget’ lines, PrixGarantie and MBudget, are cheaper than their ‘regular’ assortment. 

And keep in mind too that sometimes best deals can be found in smaller grocery shops.

READ ALSO: Why it might be cheaper to avoid the big supermarkets in Switzerland 

Appliances, electronics, and sports equipment

To find the lowest prices in this category, two websites will be helpful: and

According to Moneyland consumer platform, these two sites “compare the going prices at many major Swiss retailers. Comparisons primarily include online retailers, and retailers which have both online and offline stores.”


Before you take out any policy, whether the obligatory health (KVG / LaMal) or car insurance, or supplemental plans, you can compare their prices versus what coverage they offer.

Though the cost the basic KVG / LaMal is the same for everyone in your canton, (based on your age and co-pay deductible you choose), complimentary policies are priced differently, depending on what services they cover.

You can compare them on, or FinanceScout24


Internet and mobile plans

You can compare Internet plans which are available at your exact address, and the Internet speeds you can actually get, as well as mobile plans on  and


If you are going on holiday or just away for a weekend, the price of a hotel room in Switzerland, especially in popular tourist destinations, can cost quite a lot.

While you may not necessarily find a really cheap room in a decent hotel (or location), these sites will let you see what’s available, where, and at what price:

Switzerland Tourism 

Overall, there are two Swiss sites that offer price comparison on almost all services in Switzerland.

They are Comparis and Moneyland.

And also...

If you sign up at, you will get discounts thanks to cashback and vouchers in more than 798 online stores, including Manor and MediaMarkt. You can also benefit from travel discount on SWISS airline, and other travel, leisure, and gastronomy options.

READ ALSO: Six essential tips that will save you money in Switzerland



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