
LGBTIQ hate incidents almost double in Switzerland

Michael Stuchbery
Michael Stuchbery - [email protected]
LGBTIQ hate incidents almost double in Switzerland
Members of Zurich's LGBTIQ community celebrate at the city's pride event in 2021. Photo: Fabrice Coffrini . AFP

The number of reported hate incidents against LGBTIQ people doubled in 2023, the country's main gay, lesbian and transgender advocacy groups have reported.


Some 305 incidents were reported to Switzerland's LGBTIQ helpline in 2023 - up from 134 in 2022. 

Out of those 305 incidents, 64 of them reported to the hotline involved incidents of actual physical violence, while 70 involved verbal harassment. 

Zurich was the region of Switzerland with the most reported incidents - 131 in total - followed by Bern, 36 cases, and St Gallen, 27. 

A protest is being organised in Bern, with 305 ringing telephones to bring attention to the sharp rise in hate incidents and highlight the need for continued funding for the hotline. 


The Transgender Network Switzerland (TGNS), the Lesbian Organization Switzerland (LOS) and the gay organisation Pink Cross have operated a helpline since 2016 to offer support and advice, in addition to making visible the extent of homophobia within Swiss society. 

The hotline operates between 7 and 9 p.m., Monday through Friday, and can be reached at 0800 133 133 or by chat at the hotline website.

Emails to [email protected] will be answered at any time. 


Switzerland has trailed behind many European countries in ensuring equal civil rights for LGBTIQ persons despite being one of the first countries to decriminalise homosexuality in 1942. 

It ranks 20 out of 49 on the ILGA-Europe index, which tracks the freedoms enjoyed by gay, lesbian, trans and queer populations throughout Europe. 

Gender transition without surgery was legalised in 2018, while same-sex marriage was legalised in 2020. 



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