
Today in Switzerland For Members

Today in Switzerland: A roundup of the latest news on Friday

Helena Bachmann
Helena Bachmann - [email protected]
Today in Switzerland: A roundup of the latest news on Friday
Hot weather is forecast for this weekend, before the rain comes. Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Zurich's minimum wage is blocked; Swiss unemployment slightly up; and other Swiss news in our roundup on Friday.


Zurich blocked from introducing minimum wage for the time being

Even though in June Zurich voters  said yes to a minimum wage of nearly 24 francs per hour, employers' associations are now appealing against it.

The reason for the appeal filed with the district council  is “to know whether municipalities are legally allowed to enact minimum wages," said Nicole Barandun, president of the Trade Association of of Zurich.

"If every community has its own minimum wage, that will lead to absurd situations.”

READ ALSO: Zurich set to introduce minimum wage 

What do Swiss people worry about most?

Even though Switzerland was named this week as "The Best Country in the World," this doesn't mean the Swiss lead worry-free lives.

Concerns of the population evolve according to whatever issues dominate the news and affect their lives at any given moment.

Currently, people in Switzerland are most preoccupied by rising health insurance premiums, a new survey carried out by Sotomo research institute indicates. 

In the second place is climate change, followed by higher number of immigrants coming to Switzerland, cost of living and pensions, as well as energy supply.

Interestingly, housing shortage and higher rents are in the eighth place in terms of concerns, below Switzerland’s relationship with the European Union.


Switzerland’s jobless rate goes up — but only slightly

In August, unemployment in Switzerland rose from 1.9 percent in previous months to 2 percent, according to data published by State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) on Thursday.

This is, however, not a cause for alarm, as the Swiss labour market remains strong and in a much better shape than across the eurozone, where unemployment stands at 6.4 percent.

In fact, the shortage of qualified personnel still persists in many sectors of Switzerland's economy.


Weekend weather: Sunny and hot

On Saturday and Sunday, temperatures will reach between 29C and 30C in all regions of Switzerland.

As of Monday, however, sun will give way to clouds and rain, with temperatures gradually dropping  to low and mid-20s, which is more in line with seasonal averages.

This is what you can expect in your area.

Also this weekend:

On Sunday, Zurich will hold its annual festival, Knabenschiessen,

It is the world's largest youth rifle competition (after all, rifle-wielding kids are not exactly a common sight in every country), where youngsters from 12 to 16 years of age demonstrate their shooting skills — a wholesome activity by Swiss standards.

This tradition, which goes back to the 17th century, is organised by the City of Zurich Rifle Association.

If you have any questions about life in Switzerland, ideas for articles or news tips for The Local, please get in touch with us at [email protected]



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